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Help me Somebody!!

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:14 pm
by heart_teller
I'm a 49 year old female. I am hurting in my feet and hands so severely I can barely walk or move my hands/fingers. I have all ideas that I have rheumatoid arthritis....needing advice on what medicinal herb will be my friend.....My life is not my own anymore. I can barely work or tend to my family/home. I cannot play the piano for my church anymore.....I think my whole body is full of inflammation, I even think my left wrist has carpel tunnel, but then again, its probably the inflammation causing that also.... Standing on my feet is impossible, that's the worst part of all of this!!...I need my feet!....I'm losing my life....I WANT MY LIFE BACK!....HELP ME PLEASE!

Re: Help me Somebody!!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:39 pm
by Chana
heal you can, keep hope always, never give up, solution there is to every problem, always
many things could be,
first things
1 - drink lots of water, pure water , distilled, it should be, or from natural spring in ground your knowing pure,
water from tap has fluoride, drug residue, etc..... bottled water labled drinking water, same often as tap, just legal for selling for drinking water, water labled filtered etc. not necessarily has flitered everything, only possibly some and leaving other harmful in. so distilled water only safe pure,
cells need water, if needing of water they are, dry and affect moving etc.
2- eat only Redmond Real Salt (brand of pure real salt with all minerals etc) or Hymalayan pink sea salt, these healthy with minerals, eat as much as want and eat alot since good for minerals, (any regular table salt, or white salt ... do not eat any)
3- magnesium - can get magnesium flakes from make "magnesium oil" (not oil, just called that often) mix 50/50 magnesium flakes with pure distilled boiled hot water, disolve, cool, store in bottle. put on skin, anywhere but not on very sensitive places, it can sting a bit or tingle etc. at first , after doing a while wont so much, can put in pan and put feet in to absorb also, put in spray bottle spray on skin, leave on at least 20-30 minutes then can wash off if wanted, could spray on body before showering wait then shower ,,any way you like that feels best, it soaks in through skin best,
magnesium deficient can cause arthritis and many other things also, magnesium also helps calm disposition and also helps relax for good night sleeping etc.
4-make sure to eat GMO free food,
5-organic vegan diet best for health
6-every day as much as can go outside walk, sit, stand or lay down with bare feet and skin on earth, dirt, grass, ,, uncoated cement or stones directly over dirt can also work if not having any dirt or grass etc... negative ions from earth, positive ions from above, balancing body, healing many things, do this every day as much as can at least 30 min. -1 hour if possible, in nature places especially good, sitting by trees - tree standing beings much healing have, talk to them, you can,
7- soak baths, epsom salt, pure sea salt, baking soda, others there are also good for soaking for detox etc.
8- emotional healing, loving yourself, you are good, you are always good, you are important, light you have shining on this planet, good, many times others says negative, happenings etc. fear put by people, religion etc. cause soul distress, affects also body
9- fasterEFT easy , quick to do, can do anytime anywhere, helps healing physical and non physical body, many free videos show how to do and real people and real situations many, can tap along with videos or tap your own way
10- free short videos for relax
11- moving, stretching, jumping on mini trampoline, massaging, brushing skin, even if your having trouble moving, and move fingers, or feet massageing etc. manually or another person doing for you ,
12 - listening to dolphin song, can find free videos , sound videos on youtube - dolphin song healing vibrations
13- music your liking that feels good to your soul,
14- herbs for balancing and taking away inflamation - make sure organic - turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, cayenne, others also there are
15- eat organic extravirgin coconut oil ,eat alot, also cook with it, and rub on skin all over, coconut oil very healing of many things
16- everyday drink organic raw apple cider vinegar mixed with water (can add real salt, and other spice ,you like, raw honey, if want) Braggs brand apple cider vinegar good, mix 1 Tbs in glass or cup water, drink 3 times day, healing many things and detox,
17- think about things happy for you, do things your really enjoying doing (not what others think you should like) watch, listen , read etc. things funny, laugh, enjoy do all your enjoying , make notebook with pictures things you like, make your happy, copy pictures from internet etc. put in notebook, can look and help think these for meditating on etc., also places you want to go, your dream wishes etc...
a start this is, other healing ways also there are