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Medicine Bags

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:01 pm
by Lady Alinor
I have a Medicine Bag, do you have one?

My Medicine bag hangs near my bed, it holds many objects that I have found and few that I have been given by folks I hold dear.
Skeleton key
White candle
Matches, wooden
just to name a few of the items that have found a place in my Medicine Bag.

Once a month I empty my bag, consider the items I have collected, meditate on what should remain and what items should be returned to the universe, what should have a place on the family altar and/or what should be given away to serve another's needs.

Here is an article from the Weed Wanderings newsletter from 2003 ... ewoman.htm

Re: Medicine Bags

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:13 pm
by Melissa Doordaughter
I have had a little embroidered bag ever since I was small, maybe I was 5 or 6 when I was given it at a festival, along with 2 moonstones. Ever since, I have always hung it near my bed, a place dosen't feel like home until I have found a place for my little bag. It has recently accumulated a lot of stuff... there is an apple wand that I found in finland, then there are a lot of my childrens milk teeth.... Perhaps it would do me good to clear it out, I-m sure that most of the milk teeth for instance would be happier underground, maybe we can plant them in the orchard....

Re: Medicine Bags

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:41 pm
by Zephyr
Funny to come upon this thread now...I am returning to my roots after many years of my attention being diverted in other directions. I have gotten imbalanced toward the analytical side of life going to college, and pushing out artistic pursuits and time in nature which feed my spirit. I began to crave crystals. I haven't messed with crystals for so many years and decided to try to replace a few which were dear to me in the past and lost: a long amethyst point, a yellow green beryl, and an imperial topaz.
I wound up with:
--an amethyst point and
---a tourmaline.
I don't' have time to bead them up now so they will be hanging out with me from within bags.
I have so many of my children's milk teeth too, but they are scattered here and there in drawers, boxes etc.. Melissa's ideas seem more appropriate.

Re: Medicine Bags

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:15 pm
by Melissa Doordaughter
Thanks Zephyr, looks like our little orchard is a regular bone yard... first my daughter's placenta, a tree of remembrance for my mother and now we'll add some teeth too!

Re: Medicine Bags

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:21 pm
by Lady Alinor
Looking about the house I notice we have several Medicine Bowls as well.
The ash tray thing in my car has many small found items (mostly stones) and under my seat in my husbands truck I have squirreled away some rocks, crystals and a pine cone I picked up Summer Solstice 2013.

Re: Medicine Bags

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:14 am
by NateFlory
Thanks Lady alinor for that comment. I never realized you could also have "Medicine Bowls", but I definitely have a few small containers that hld the same sorts of things that a traditional Bag would carry, and never made the connection. Mostly pottery, but I have one large shell as well.

My 'main' one on the alter in my bedroom has a pinch of sand from so many different areas of the world I can't name them all right now. Travelling friends have brought me back small samples of sand from beaches ranging from Saudi Arabia, to the bahamas, to both coasts of the US, to Germany, and such. Each sample is in it's own little container, but a pinch of each has been mixed into a lovely little pottery bowl I made, with an acorn and maple seed, and few tiny seed-bead-sized gemstones, to represent "Earth" for me. :)